emerald crab vs anemone


i have a rbta and a few emerald crabs. my rbta lives with its foot up in kind of a crevis/cave of a piece of lr. its tenticals reach outside of the crevis/cave. anyways....i have 2 emerald crabs that seem to have taken up residence in the little crevis/cave also. they get really close to my rbta as the little crevis/cave is not very big. sometimes they even hit the tenticals of my rbta and cause it to kind of deflate as a reaction. should i be concerned? can they harm my rbta?


Active Member
Originally Posted by keish24
i have a rbta and a few emerald crabs. my rbta lives with its foot up in kind of a crevis/cave of a piece of lr. its tenticals reach outside of the crevis/cave. anyways....i have 2 emerald crabs that seem to have taken up residence in the little crevis/cave also. they get really close to my rbta as the little crevis/cave is not very big. sometimes they even hit the tenticals of my rbta and cause it to kind of deflate as a reaction. should i be concerned? can they harm my rbta?
I wouldnt worry about it. Can they hurt your anem? Sure they can. Will they? I highly doubt it. The reaction of your anemone will lessen the more the crabs touch it with no ill effects. They wont kill your anem but they will help clean it up should it die.