Emerald Crab

delta lady

New Member
Does anyone know much about Emerald Crabs? One of my Clown Fish disappeared and my daughter swears that the crab got him/her. What do you all think?


Active Member

Originally posted by Delta Lady
Does anyone know much about Emerald Crabs? One of my Clown Fish disappeared and my daughter swears that the crab got him/her. What do you all think?

It wasn't the emerald crab...If the fish died from other causes the emerald may help in cleaning it up, but I doubt very much he's guilty. :D


I agree, most fish are fully capable of getting away from an emerald crab. Also, the emerald has very dull claws which would make it hard to attack the clown.

delta lady

New Member
Okay thanks. The only other living creature in my aquarium is a Coral Banded Shrimp. I thought that it was strange that the fish was there at night and in the morning there were no signs of him/her.


I have to second that your emerald may have been resposible for helping get rid of the fish, but I don't think that it actually killed the clown. I couldn't imagine a healthy clown not being able to escape the grasp of an emerald crab even if it did grab hold of it.


Ever think the clown wasn't healthy in the first place?
How long have you had the clown?
How long has your tank been set up?
What are your water parameters?