I love emerald crabs, but have just lost another one. My tank is healthy and I thought this guy was very healthy right up until I found him dead. My only thought is my tank has the same thing as no algae and I know that is their primary food. I would try to supplement him by throwing algae wafers in every other night, but he was so reclusive, I'm sure the hermits ate them before he got a chance at them. I do have extensive rock work and would always see him picking at the rocks, so thought he was doing OK. He never came out at feeding time. My question is, since my tank doesn't have much algae (not complaing about that, mind you!) I hesitate to get another emerald crab if I'm slowly starving the poor things to death. I've never been able to keep one alive, even though they're sold as "easy" and "hardy". What do you guys think??