Since I've added 3 emerald crabs, I've noticed them scraping purple coraline. What was once solid purple is now covered in white scrapes - I'm sure it will grow back, but are they really eating it?
I've had one do that in the past, and yes he is eating it, by doing so he is also spreading more spores. Take a good look and the scooping claw of his, build for it.
I agree with Thomas, that in turn it's spreading the pores. I couldn't (personally) handle the look it was giving to my tank, so I returned it. I worked hard for the coraline to look as it did, and that was a no no in my book. JMO.
Losing color is one thing, having it scraped off is another.
If your coralline is fading, this could be a water problem or lighting.
If it is being scraped off you will know it. It will look etched or like a caustic worm has been crawling on it.
Emeralds will indeed eat coraline,but in a good system it's hard for them to keep up with the growth they cause by spreading spores(like Clarkiiboi said). Of course,it depends on how many,but 2-3 in a 55 should be fine.