Emerald crabs and bristle worms.



Bristle worms do make good "janitors" for cleaning up waste and debris in the tank. From what I've read, they usually don't cause too many problems unless they are very big. And I guess you wouldn't want to try hand feeding it either:eek:


Active Member
Thanks. I was recently looking in my tank and realized that I am in SERIOUS need of a clean up critter like an emerald crab. However I do not want to get anything that will eat my bristle worms.
FYI I think it is Beth that can tell you about hand feeding a bristle worm. It was cute until…. She won’t be doing that again.


Hi scotts, emerald crabs shouldnt eat your bristle worms as far as I know.
What do you need cleaned up? Different critters are good for different things.
P.S. I'm in Simi and belong to a reef club based in Ventura. We usually meet in Camarillo. If youre interested in checkin it out, let me know. Its free to join and its a great resource for anything aquarium related. :)


Active Member
S9, well first off I looked at my tank and realized that I saw little bubble algae on the rocks. Also the rocks don’t look as good as I want so I know that I need some crabs in there. I also need some peppermint shrimp for the apstasia(sp) in there. Doesn’t my tank sound like it is in good shape?
As far as the club I am very interested in that. Please e-mail me at skschneiderNOSPAM@adelphia.net Take out the NOSPAM part. As a matter of fact I think I will go to Fins today to get an emerald crab or two.