Emerald Crabs and Shrimp coexisting?


I have a 55 gal with a few emerald crabs. I had a coral banded shrimp, until an emerald crab at him for lunch. Not a big loss, as far as I'm concerned, but I would like to get a cleaner shrimp or fire shrimp and was wondering who has had success or failure with these shrimp and emerald crabs in the same tank?


Active Member
i have an emerald crab in a 46 with a cleaner shrimp and they are fine together. My crab totally ignores the shrimp. I don't know what happens at night though of course.


Active Member
I put in a coral banded too and I think my emerald is too big and took him out. I have two peppermints, two cleaners and two pistol shrimps along with two emeralds and I haven't seen the emerald mess with them. Don't know what may go on at night.


cool... that is encouraging. I'm going to buy a cleaner shrimp to try and take care of this strange fuzz-like spot on my yellow tang's tail. I posted about it in the fish discussion page and some people thought it was ich, but it doesn't look like ich from what I can tell. Plus, the tang has actually tried swimming up to my false percula's (the only other fish in the tank right now) in an effort to have them "clean" him, it would seem.


We have a blood red fire shrimp, in a 25 gallon hex, who has never been bothered by the 2 emerald green crabs we have. One of the crabs is much bigger than the other one, but neither of them has ever messed with the shrimp, who is on the shy side.


Active Member
I had emerald, sallylightfoot, peppermint and a fire shrimp shrimp all together in a 30 gallon without any problems. Emerald was the smallest of the three. He'd claw if anything got close but was so slow the shrimp would still walk right over him while feeding dodging the claws. Any crab bigger than its tankmates could end up being a problem. If they dont think they can take whatever else is there they usually wont try. I'm suprised a banded couldn't take on or at least escape an emerald. Are you sure the banded didn't die first. Even if the emerald got a claw it should be able to escape and live.


Active Member
It's possible the banded died first since I didn't see the emerald ever attacking it. I hope one of my emeralds is fully grown because he is big. The bigger he has gotten, the more reclusinve he has become. Still quick though. Last night I was watching a medium size piece of seaweed float around and it started to go past some rocks when WHAP! the emerald snagged it.


Yeah I've definitely seen similar behavior among my emeralds. They can grab a non-maneuvering target, such as a piece of drifting seaweed, but are they quick enough to actually catch a fish, such as my Yellow Tang that darts by it frequently? :thinking:


Active Member
Well I have to take back what I said earlier. I was shining the light around last night and was surpised to see the blue boxer staring at me. I didn't see him for long but at least I know he is alive (haven't seen him in several weeks). Maybe the golden coral banded is alive also.