EMERGENCY!goby under attack


Active Member
Ok my striped puffer is being a very bad fish!The puffer is bashing into my diamond goby(like he is trying to say "iam the boss)My puffer even steals the food from the goby!What should i do?Any one live in bradenton,fl?Well jeff take my goby?It sounds like when ever i talk to jeff at "jeffs pet place" he doesn't like when people bring back stuff.SO ANYONE..HELP!


I guess you have to return either one of them to LFS. Generally a goby and Arothron combo does not work well except when the puffer is very young.


That makes sense because it's when your puffer's about to outgrow your goby. I think striped puffer is an exception among Arothron sp. in a sense that it is a nipper/picker. Mine did the same thing to my valentini even when he was merely 1.5" long. But, it never bothered my other Arothron puffers. About stealing food from your goby, all of my puffers do that if given chance. They're just hungry all the time. :)


I agree with rbmount, you need to do your research but LFS's should be able to giveyou the right info as to what is compatible also. They should most definately take it back and you tell them from now on you will read up on fish compatibility but they should have informed you. They should be in the know, and therefor should take it back or lose a customer.