emergency need help on ich


cb on the groun on his side panting hard he has lost some color and his gills look like they are messed up redish in color and his fins are all torn up.
anything i can do to save him or is he dead (


fish has been like this for 4 days now that ive noticed i had him since last tuesday so for a week. i had him in main tank didnt notice till a couple days after i got him he would never let me see him just got a qt yesterday and put him in there he was swimming around last night but now he is laying on bottom just moving fins. 2 maroons are as healthy as can be when i went to get the cb i was atked by the biggest little devil


i havnt started yet they are the same as my display but the temp was low i have it heating up now and he got up nd started swimming again but he has salt grains it looks like on his fins face mouth body and his eyes clowdy. his fins look like they have been nipped off but nothing nipps him maroon chased him away from his terr once or twice. but his gills look like they are red and he cant close his mouth and hes loosing color thats all the symptoms. and when i bought him i didnt notice it till i got home and even then i didnt even see white it looked like orange same as his side color right above his eye but he has ick worst in that place. will copper be a fast way to cure i dont have a test for it yet either. i want to do hypo but i dont think i have time to. i dont have a refracto only a plastic arm hypo i can order a refracto today but wont be here till 2 or 3 days