Emergency....need Help Please. I Think Its Dying


I am sorry, I meant to post this in the Clownfish & Anemones catagory.
Well, I JUST got home and saw what is in the pics, this is the 2nd time that my anemone has been doing this. He hasn't footed down for a LONGGGG time. Fed him last night....did a 20% water change. Everything level wise seems to test well
I think he is dying. Can someone please help. How soon do I get him out of the tank if he is dying ??
Do I try to keep him alive and what is the point of no return ??
Please see pics


nacl freak

It looks like a dyed specimen, and a very unhappy one. Give more information. Exact parameters,type of lighting. How long you've had it, does it feel sticky to the touch?[ light touch ]