Emergency....need Help Please. I Think Its Dying


Well, I JUST got home and saw what is in the pics, this is the 2nd time that my anemone has been doing this. He hasn't footed down for a LONGGGG time. Fed him last night....did a 20% water change. Everything level wise seems to test well
I think he is dying. Can someone please help. How soon do I get him out of the tank if he is dying ??
Do I try to keep him alive and what is the point of no return ??
Please see pics



Active Member
How much did you feed it? How large of a piece of food. The fact that it hasent footed is not good. But at first glance this could easily expelling waste. I do believe that your anemone is not healthy but at this point I dont think it is dying. If its expelling its insides it will look like spaghetti coming out of its mouth. It will be withered and not inflated at all and its tenticles will not be sticky. If you remove it, it will smell very very bad. If it is eating then your not in danger just yet IMO.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
How much did you feed it? How large of a piece of food. The fact that it hasent footed is not good. But at first glance this could easily expelling waste. I do believe that your anemone is not healthy but at this point I dont think it is dying. If its expelling its insides it will look like spaghetti coming out of its mouth. It will be withered and not inflated at all and its tenticles will not be sticky. If you remove it, it will smell very very bad. If it is eating then your not in danger just yet IMO.

PD, thank you for your response. I fed him a half a shrimp. I agree on the not being footed item. There are little hair like strands coming out of his mouth and when he grabbed the shrimp, there seemed to be "sticky" holding the shrimp. As i said, I have had this experience with him before but it was quite a while ago.
my lights should go on in 1.5 hrs. I think I am going to turn them on now and see what happens and if he responds.
Any one else want to chime in ?? PLEEEEEEEEEZE


Active Member
The food you gave it was much too large. You need to feed it small frequent meals, portions no larger than its mouth. I would be 90% certain that its expelling waste after hearing how large a meal you gave it. What type of lighting do you have? How many watts, and how big is your tank?


What kind of anemone is that??? It actually looks like some sort of elegance coral.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark http:///forum/post/2565819
The food you gave it was much too large. You need to feed it small frequent meals, portions no larger than its mouth. I would be 90% certain that its expelling waste after hearing how large a meal you gave it. What type of lighting do you have? How many watts, and how big is your tank?
PD, you are the best. I actually thought he was getting enough but if you say too much, I will believe you. You actually helped me out on the lighting question. Here is the link to my post.
I know I need to up the lighting on it, I just havent had the opportunity to shop for bulbs.
When you say I need an increase, is it in the K value or the wattage value ??
Thanks DP you are VERY helpful


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
The food you gave it was much too large. You need to feed it small frequent meals, portions no larger than its mouth. I would be 90% certain that its expelling waste after hearing how large a meal you gave it. What type of lighting do you have? How many watts, and how big is your tank?

PD, should I get rid of the 2 blue actinics ?? I was told they are mostly used just for the "pretty"" sake of it. Should I go with all white light ?


Active Member
Ahhhh yes now I remember. Well unfortuanatly there is no easy to get around this you need new lighting desperatly. HO-T5's bare minimum individually reflected, I would suggest a 6 bulb fixture, 2 actinic blue and 4 10k daylights. This would give you over 300 watts of light. And a more intense light as PC lighting wont reach that anemone where it is. If your lighting isnt corrected your anemone will certainly die in a short time.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Ahhhh yes now I remember. Well unfortuanatly there is no easy to get around this you need new lighting desperatly. HO-T5's bare minimum individually reflected, I would suggest a 6 bulb fixture, 2 actinic blue and 4 10k daylights. This would give you over 300 watts of light. And a more intense light as PC lighting wont reach that anemone where it is. If your lighting isnt corrected your anemone will certainly die in a short time.
K, remember PD.......newbie here, LOL.
From what the bulbs have printed on them, they say 10K and 65 watts. You mentioned 4 / 10k daylights. So I am confused, if I already have 10 K I can assume that I supposed to increase the wattage ?? OR....Do HO-T5's only come with a Kelvin value and I am going with that exclusively ??
I am sorry to sound so unknowing...oh wait....thats what I am and why I am on the forum. LOL.
Humility and being humble is a gift, LOL


i have one in my 10G, its about 3 months already since i purchase it. My was wayyyy bleached than yours......mine now is rejecting food im feeding it every 2 weeks, its not inflated fully but its set its footing and been there ever since......but i never had your problem before.....can anybody tell why same type of anemone but 2 different problem!? and my tank lighting is 2 x t8 18watts 50/50...should i get stronger lightings?


Thats a sebae anemone. to me thats its insides coming out. look close and its yellow looking. keep a close eye on it. if its mouth keeps open,tentacles fall off,or notice and tears around the mouth or buddy its on the way out. remember what i explained about my first GBTA i had bought. it looked like crap one time then acouple hrs later would look like it was trying to survive and then back down hill. all from shipping and a tear in its foot. ditch PC lights! you need actinic lighting as thats the color of light spectrum animals need as well as white. white isn't the only color they get. T5 bulbs or MH is the way too go. PM me and i will tell you the best price i find T5 lighting at.


Originally Posted by convbmw
K, remember PD.......newbie here, LOL.
From what the bulbs have printed on them, they say 10K and 65 watts. You mentioned 4 / 10k daylights. So I am confused, if I already have 10 K I can assume that I supposed to increase the wattage ?? OR....Do HO-T5's only come with a Kelvin value and I am going with that exclusively ??
I am sorry to sound so unknowing...oh wait....thats what I am and why I am on the forum. LOL.
Humility and being humble is a gift, LOL
not a stupid question and im not PD eather, but im assuming you have PC lights which is good for things like shrooms, and leather, but anemones need more power lighting bulbs tht penitrate the water better like T5s, VHOs (t12s) or MH
PCs do come in 10k, as well as atintics, the problem isnt the kelven its the type of light your feeding, you need better type, as in T5s


I also agree that it is a Sebae anemone.
Looks like a sebae to me, and it looks dyed... but i could be wrong
you can kill an anemone by over feeding it... and i also agree.. half a piece of shrimp is way too much.
convbmw, How long has your tank been up and running?


Active Member
Originally Posted by convbmw
K, remember PD.......newbie here, LOL.
From what the bulbs have printed on them, they say 10K and 65 watts. You mentioned 4 / 10k daylights. So I am confused, if I already have 10 K I can assume that I supposed to increase the wattage ?? OR....Do HO-T5's only come with a Kelvin value and I am going with that exclusively ??
I am sorry to sound so unknowing...oh wait....thats what I am and why I am on the forum. LOL.
Humility and being humble is a gift, LOL
Well I admit my ID maybe off but with a specimine in as tough shape as that it is difficult to tell. IMO.
As for your bulbs dont look at them as what is printed being the final decision.
There are 3 things important when it comes to lighting, Bulb type, wattage and depth of tank. You have the least intense lighting available for reef keeping. Your bulb type is PC or Power comapact there is nothing you can do to increase it enough to make your anem survive. 10K is the kelvin rating, the and 65 is the wattage. HO-T5's have the same but the difference is they are HO so they have more lumens per watt out put. And the good ones, the ones I would suggest you to invest in are individually reflected which makes them even more intense. The wattage of the bulb will be dictated by the length of the bulb yours will be 48" long and 54 watts per bulb. So I was suggesting getting a 6 bulb fixture with 4 of the bulbs being 10k daylights @54 watts ea, and 2 being either 420 or 460nm actinic blue @54 watts each. Although the wattage is less than you have per bulb the out put is far more intense than what you have because they are HO-T5 bulbs. HTH....


Thanks PD, you are awesome and the best part is that this newbie understood what you are saying.
here is the update on the anemone......he looks fine. Still not attached and I am concerned about that but he seems groovy.
I will post update soon.
thanks to all


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Well I admit my ID maybe off but with a specimine in as tough shape as that it is difficult to tell. IMO.
As for your bulbs dont look at them as what is printed being the final decision.
There are 3 things important when it comes to lighting, Bulb type, wattage and depth of tank. You have the least intense lighting available for reef keeping. Your bulb type is PC or Power comapact there is nothing you can do to increase it enough to make your anem survive. 10K is the kelvin rating, the and 65 is the wattage. HO-T5's have the same but the difference is they are HO so they have more lumens per watt out put. And the good ones, the ones I would suggest you to invest in are individually reflected which makes them even more intense. The wattage of the bulb will be dictated by the length of the bulb yours will be 48" long and 54 watts per bulb. So I was suggesting getting a 6 bulb fixture with 4 of the bulbs being 10k daylights @54 watts ea, and 2 being either 420 or 460nm actinic blue @54 watts each. Although the wattage is less than you have per bulb the out put is far more intense than what you have because they are HO-T5 bulbs. HTH....
here is a question. 75 Gal, 20 inches deep, 4 ft wide are the measurements of the actually tank itself. Do I need to worry about the water getting too hot ? I run at about 75-78 degrees usually.


You won't have a heat issue as long as you have the T5 setup on legs and not sitting on the top of your tank. side note- my 20gal i have 96watts and my lid sits right on top of the tank a inch of clearance above my glass lid. I like glass lids for safety and keeping dirt out. gases can move out of the tank from where the filters are. plus hoods have fans on them. having a one year old knocking into everything the leg stand idea made me nervous.


Active Member
Originally Posted by blownz281
You won't have a heat issue as long as you have the T5 setup on legs and not sitting on the top of your tank. side note- my 20gal i have 96watts and my lid sits right on top of the tank a inch of clearance above my glass lid. I like glass lids for safety and keeping dirt out. gases can move out of the tank from where the filters are. plus hoods have fans on them. having a one year old knocking into everything the leg stand idea made me nervous.

T-5's actually will run your tank cooler. Although they really are not much cooler than PC's the heat is transfered throught the entire lenghth of the bulb where as PC lights the heat is doubled up do the the shape of the bulb in a more confined area.