Emergency....need Help Please. I Think Its Dying


Originally Posted by blownz281
You won't have a heat issue as long as you have the T5 setup on legs and not sitting on the top of your tank. side note- my 20gal i have 96watts and my lid sits right on top of the tank a inch of clearance above my glass lid. I like glass lids for safety and keeping dirt out. gases can move out of the tank from where the filters are. plus hoods have fans on them. having a one year old knocking into everything the leg stand idea made me nervous.
Got it !!!
However......I have a top that comes down on a hinge and its a wood top. Is it safe to mount it to the underside of the top.
You guys RULE !!!!!


Originally Posted by Jesses89
I also agree that it is a Sebae anemone.
Looks like a sebae to me, and it looks dyed... but i could be wrong
you can kill an anemone by over feeding it... and i also agree.. half a piece of shrimp is way too much.
convbmw, How long has your tank been up and running?

Sorry for the delay, for me, 1.5 years.


yes. problem is the fan/fans on the hood won't be able to push the air away or get fresh air. so you would have to cut vents,or add a pusher and puller fan on to your wood cover.


Originally Posted by Jesses89
I also agree that it is a Sebae anemone.
Looks like a sebae to me, and it looks dyed... but i could be wrong
you can kill an anemone by over feeding it... and i also agree.. half a piece of shrimp is way too much.
convbmw, How long has your tank been up and running?
Looks like a sebae to me as well. And I agree about the overfeeding. I also firmly believe that if you're going to feed an anemone, chop the food up and only give it a little bit so it can digest it properly. We've had a bta for almost a year and a sebae for over 6 months and I've never seen either one expel waste.


Originally Posted by blownz281
yes. problem is the fan/fans on the hood won't be able to push the air away or get fresh air. so you would have to cut vents,or add a pusher and puller fan on to your wood cover.

AH, got it. Thanks a million


sorry man. now you know to stay away from yellow and white anemones. it was just to late,some people luck out and have a anemone that has not been bleached or dyed for very long and they come back. i would not buy from that LFS again.