Well I wouldn't drink the water if thats what your asking, but it should be alright to stick your hands in.
Lets see here,
water changes ~check
fresh carbon ~ check
using RO ~ check
Polyfilter~ Everyone needs a polyfilter for emergancies.
Removed all torn body parts ~ this needs to be done to keep ammonia to minium
If dead the removal of the anemone is also required.
Keep feeding but do it light for a few days, no need to add to the ammonia right now.
If using filter floss or any carbon cartridges make sure they are clean and not holding any debris or detritus. Check all filters.
Clean out any protien skimmers
Check and clean the power head that the anemone got into. Might want to clean the sponge that was covering the filter as well. For this you might even want to wear some latex gloves.
You might even want to take the powerhead and blow your live rock with it to get out any detritus and debris.
Good luck