
Why is the scum in the scum cup of my protien skimmer aqua colored?????!!!!!!~!!! What is why is it like this????!!!! ARe my fish and corals going to die?!!!
Help !!!!
Adam :confused: :( :eek: :confused:


Active Member
If it's nice and stinky too I would say it's just doing it's job and cleaning your tank.
BTW, have you added any chem's to your tank recently? Some of them effect skimmers.
Take care,
Dan'l :D
I added reef supliments yesterday but why now is it doing this when I have always added these chemicals since my first coral I bought.
I added reef supliments yesterday but why now is it doing this when I have always added these chemicals since my first coral I bought.
Adam :confused:

mr . salty

Active Member
Just a guess,But possibly the tank water has reached a high accumulation of these nutrients????????So now the skimmer is pulling it out..Is this nutrient addative BLUE,or GREENISH BLUE???????????????
[ June 25, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]


Active Member
Reef additives should not affect the water like that. A skimmer should not skim additives from the water either.
What are you adding to the tank?

mr . salty

Active Member
There have been many discussions about the skimmer pulling out addatives.Why do they tell you not to run a skimmer with most medications.(the skimmer is pulling it out)...
I have the Lee's counter current inside the tank run off a air pump skimmer. I know it is crapy but my parents will not give me any more money for it and no one will hire me either because they want someone fifteen or because I am small for my age. So I will upgrade when I can.

the don

New Member
If your protien skimmer is a hang on, and you have just added phytoplex or calcium, it is best to turn your skimmer off for a few hours. You might also notice your skimmer is spurting out mini bubbles during this sudden additions of chemicals. This is because many of these additives raise the amonium for a short time (only by very little) and the protien skimmer is seperating them from the water. This same thing happened to me when I first bought a skimmer, and i just read the FAQ's that came with the box and it explained it all. Its amazing what a little simple reading can do.