

Active Member
It looks like its sluffing off something using a slime coat or expelling zooxanthellea. THe first one is not as bad as the second. Has it been touching another coral? Or did it fall off a shelf and land on that side in your SB for a while? leaning up against the glass? Have or had any build up on it in that area?


Active Member
I can not vouch for Brown Jelly Disease.
But that looks exactly like what happens to my coral if something stings it for a long period of time, or if it fell and was upside down for a period of time.


Active Member
anything that damages or stresses a coral in any way can often allow protozoan infections (brown jelly) to happen. but not not everything is gauranteed to its just a possibility.


There was light overexposure!!!
While I was away last weekend, my timer failed(got stuck) and the aquarium got light for 48hours nonstop!!!!!
That probably explains this phenomenon


Active Member
You can try to use lugo's solution, but most times it doesnt help much. Generally it spreads and doesnt stop. Be careful when you throw it out. It is suspected that any floating brown jelly that lands on other coral around it will infect that piece as well. However, there is not enough evidence to say whether it is actually contagious. Side note: This is a problem that mostly effects gonioporas but is not limited to it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
However, there is not enough evidence to say whether it is actually contagious. Side note: This is a problem that mostly effects gonioporas but is not limited to it.
I have heard stories on both sides of that fence also, some people report entiore tank wipe outs from protozoan infections and some report just losing the one infected coral, and some report a reecover after quick treatment. (we'll hope for the latter of the three)

fish crazy

that happen to my Goiniopora to! i had to throw it away because it grew so much on it, dont take it off because it will come back even worse.