
Ok so I dropped my bag of carbon into the sump without washing off the dust.. my sump is black with carbon.. and some already got into my main tank.. I have a back-up filter running on the back a penguin one.. its kinda weak.. all I have in my tank right now is live rock.. did I just mess up my tank? And what should I do about it?


Ues a net to filter it out, some might say to place a paper towel over the surface of the water to help remove it that way, but I would get some filter floss and try to get it out, most of it will settle into your substate and you will be able to see the black specs for a while. After getting as much as possible from the surface of the water then I would get the system running with as much current as possible and filter what you can out mechanically.
Just my opinion but this accident won't kill anything, just be patient and get out what you can, and lesson learned.


you should be fine other than a fish or two swimming around with a "Black Lung" sign saying they want their money.


You can use one of those poly bags that you use for phosphate chips and tie tie it around the water fill spout for several hours and this will catch the majority. Only reason I know, is I did the same a couple of weeks ago..