Emp Angel


hi Everyone, I was thinking of getting a juv. emp angel. On e of the lfs I go to qouted me 69.99 for it. Is that a good price?

mr . salty

Active Member
If it's going in your 140 gallon tank,,,And this tank is at least six months old,,,and you understand that these are a pretty hard fish to keep healthy,,and that they require a special diet,,,Then YES you can keep one...But READ UP on this fish FIRST....And YES that is a good price for one...I have seen them cheaper,,,But you get what you pay for....
[ November 20, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]

grouper 42

How big is it? If it is at least 3-4 inchs I would say that is a good price. I had one that died quickly of some bacterial disease that began as Popeye and ended with fin rot. Killed two other Angels of mine. I waited a few months, got a UV sterilizer and got a 4 inch juvenile. Has done very well since. Mine eats a wide variety of foods including formula 1, mysis shrimp, squid, brine shrimp, clam, etc.


Active Member
Reasonable price. Be sure to feed him a wide variety including frozen angel formula which includes sponges. Nori on a clip is also an essential part of their diet. Hope you have a good skimmer and low nitrates in your 140g. I've had one for about 2 .5 years now and is doing well. He doesn't like to be crowded so keep the population of fish on the low side.


Yes it would be for my 140, my water cond are very good. I do a 30 gal water change every other week. The fish that are in thier right now is 5 1/2" Dragon Wrass, 2 Maroon clowns, 1 blue devil damsel, 3 chromis, 2 bristle star fish, 1 manderine, 1 decorator crab and asst. of scarlet and blue leg hermit crabs, plus a good size hermit. Also some snails too.
I want to add, 1 flame hawk fish, 1 emp Angel, and a Naso Tang. Does this sound like too much?
Thank You everyone for your thoughts.
Happy Turkey Day!


Active Member
It depends on what rule of thumb you subscribe to. BY my count you are probably below the 5g/ inch rule. I would certainly add the emperor and flame. The Naso also gets big and may fight with the emperor to decide who is knig. I have found that emperors do well when they are clearly the king of the tank.
Best of Luck and happy turkey day to you also!
Flamehawk, no disrespect to your post, but a naso and anything at all will most likely be the best of friends. They have got to be THE most friendly fish I have ever come across, they never attack another fish and the only fish they might think about roughing up is another naso, which is still highly unlikely. I actually have a naso tang and an emperor angel, and they are THE BEST friends, they almost look like they are "lovers" or something. The naso would never think of attacking the emperor and has never gave two cents about any fish in the tank, they are one of if not the most PEACEFUL fish you can get. So to you and the original poster, yes you can have an emperor and naso together, they will have no problems, unless you get an unruley emperor, as he would be the only one to get roudy. And to the original poster, the naso tangs are one of if not the most coolest fish to watch and own, they are just soooo funny and weird, you have to have one to know what I'm talking about. Get the naso first at about 4" at least, no smaller, and then add the emperor at about 3.5-4" and you will have NO problems what so ever. Good luck to you, Jollygreen


Active Member
No disrespect taken. Everyone has different experiences with different fish. My experience says that the emperor will want to be king of the tank and as such will see the Naso, due to it's size and eating habits, to be a threat to his knigship. This will most likely happen as they groq and not at the begging. I'm glad to see that JG's experience is different. As such, if I were you Shel, and you have your heart set on it, I'd give it a try. Good Luck.


Thank you FlameHawk and JollyGreen. I will be adding both hopefully by christmas. (That is if the LFS store I use has them. :D )
I will be adding a Flame Hawk this week. I am so happy about it. :p They are so much fun to watch.