Emperor 400 to Sump Transition.

marine qa

I have only had my 46g tank for a month and am already tired of seeing equipment filling my tank. Ideally I would like to see nothing in the tank but powerheads, LR, substrate, fish and some invertebrates. I am very concerned that the tank's water be ideal and understand that more equipment, i.e. skimmer, poss. UV, may become necessary in the future. Consequently, I am looking into a sump system.
I am concerned that if I switch filtration now I will lose whatever biological filtration I have gained in this last patient month. I'm thinking that the best thing I could do would be to to toss the biowheels into the sump for awile.
Anyone with opinions on the transition to a sump, or suggestions for homemade or manufactured sumps, please reply.

mr . salty

Active Member
The transition will be a breeze.Just set up the sump,and get it going,but leave your current filter running along with the sump for a couple weeks.This will give the sump time to build up the bacteria.