Emperor and Majestic Angel tankmates?


Active Member
Can it be done? I have a small 3-4" Majestic in my 240g and my LFS has a Lg Emperor that I can pick up on a trade for another fish I'm getting rid of.
What are my chances? The Majestic seems pretty shy I can't see him attacking a new fish..now my Yellow tang is another story..what a #$%^
she is.
Anyway, thoughts...anyone done it before? BEfore you answer I know ONLY 1 ANGEL per TANK.


Active Member
Sounds reasonable IMO. It can work, more often then not, the way you're doing it too, adding a larger then established angel.

saka bra

ya man, do it. how big is the emporer? you have deffenately a big enough tank. your yellow tang wont mess with the emporer angel.


Active Member
Still not 100%. Can't decide if I want another angel or another wrasse.
Here is my stocklist in the 240g as it sits today.
30"+ SFE
20" Golden 'Banana" Moray
9" Blond Naso Tang
6" Yellow Tang
6" Aust Harlequin Tusk
6" Magnifcent Foxface
5.5" Red Coris Wrasse
4.5" Maroon Clown
4" Majestic Angel
3" Flame Angel
Starkii Damsel
2 - 4 Stripe Damsels
2 - Yellow Belly Damsels
2 - Azure Damsels
I plan to add a Kole Tang for Maintenence Work.
The possible last fish possibles are:
Angel - Annularis or Emperor
Wrasse - Male Banana or Green Bird


Active Member
So now I need to decide Emperor or one of the Wrasse's. Wonder if I should start a pick my last fish poll...LOL
Thanks all, I'll let you know.


that would work. especially since the smaller angel is already in the DT. I have a 6' queen and a 8' emperor with no problem.


Active Member
On second thought I really like my Majestic and would hate to throw another bully in the tank like my Queen was.
Might go with a couple Bannerfish instead and leave my Flame and Majestic as the only Angels.
If something happens to the Maj I'll get an Emp.


Got any pics of the Majestic? Got one myself, but he's tiny!!!
Originally Posted by 95Harley
On second thought I really like my Majestic and would hate to throw another bully in the tank like my Queen was.
Might go with a couple Bannerfish instead and leave my Flame and Majestic as the only Angels.
If something happens to the Maj I'll get an Emp.