Emperor angel help.


Have a 4 year old emperor that recently has seemed to have lost some color, and continually has white specs on his head and eyes. Looks like a case of ick,but none of the other fish have it. Tank size is a 120 and water test are good. Diet includes P-mysis,brine shrimp, and algae flakes. They are fed once daily in the evening. Any suggestions on what it may be?


Active Member
Color loss can be attrributed to various things; stress, malnutrition, poor water quality, etc.. Can you post real numbers for your water parameters?
The whire specks could be ich, even if the others show no symptoms. A pic would help confirm this.
IME a 120 is quite small for such a fish. How large is the angel, what are the other tank mates?
You could supplement the food with selcon or zoecon. A little bit of garlic won't hurt either. I'd also add more variety to the diet; chopped scallop and clam, pellets, angel formula with sponge, etc.. I'm also a fan of feeding more than once a day, particularly with larger fish. This can help the immune function.