Emperor Angel Pic...The King


Active Member
Only have this guy for a few months. When he arrived most of the water had drained out of the bag and he had stop breathing in the bucket for about 20 seconds. It was a miricale I was able to pull him through. It was winter and the water was chilled as the heat packs were in the water which was quite cool..would estimate the water that was left in the low 60's for temp.


that fish should be forever gratefull for saving his life, he should repay you by not assulting any fish. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by logen32
that fish should be forever gratefull for saving his life, he should repay you by not assulting any fish. :)
It was a quick acclimation...I had very little original water left. I placed him in a bucket with an air pump and simply poured by system water in..no choice as the water left did not cover him. I suspect when my water was placed in the bucket he went into shock and stopped breathing. He started breathing again after 20 seconds or so but it did not look good. . he swam in circles for the next 15-20 minutes. In about an hour he was swimming "normal". I then dripped for about another hour and decided he needed to get in the main display. I was fortunate that he was not picked on so he was able to settle in. It took several days for all color to return.


Active Member
He is currently in a 180 and is about 6" long. He'll move to my 300 as soon as I am finished with my room addition along with my Sohal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by exile415
it's beautiful .. what was the price on this kidd
90 bucks plus shipping and purchased right here on the swf.com classified for sale board


Active Member
perdy nice fish u have there.... i cant wait till my juvi changes... i wanna see the whole tranformation..


Active Member
you know you like that one year bump on your thread .. haha .. but anyway .. can I get a recent pic? .. I'm gonna get one in the near future and love seeing pics of them .. also were you happy about swf.com I've gotten a puffer from them before but he died like 17 days after i got him so I wasn't liable for the warranty .. it pissed me off and I haven't purchased since ... also can you give me any other comments about him? .. thanks .. -Jamie


Active Member
I did not purchase the angel from swf.com. I bought it from a fellow user of the boards. THey posted it for sale on the classified board about 18 months ago. . I'll post another pic when I get a chance.
Comments...you need at least a 180 gallon set up. Plenty live rock, pristine water, sponge in the diet, a mature set-up. Best to buy one in the 3-5 inch range. THe larger adults caught in the wild do not adapt well to aquarium life.
These animals need plenty room. THey can be very aggressive.
If you provide the appropriate diet and enviornment they will thrive and bring you years of enjoyment.


Active Member
I recommend against putting an Angel that will require a larger system in a 115....regardless of the current size.