emperor angel


New Member
Just wanted to see if anyone out there has any experiance with emperor angels. I have had mine for almost a year now. He is around 4" now and starting to show signs of starting his color transformation. My ques is I have read alot about emperors not going thru a full color change in captivity and wondered if anyone has had any experiance with this.


Active Member
Hi tap, we also have one that has started going through it's change. He has a little orange color on the bottom of his fins, and his black mask is starting to show. We've only had our for about 71/2 months. I have asked the same question and was told, they normal will not change until they have been in the tank for about 18 months. Guess maybe we both are lucky. I can't wait for the total change. Good luck with yours, Lisa


New Member
I guess what I have read is some not getting full adult coloration just wondered if anyone had experiance with emperors as far as factors that influence this.