awesome looking emperor angels!
i am currently thinking of adding one to my 140g i have a lion fish and a porcupine puffer in there right now i think an angel would go great in my tank i have plenty of mature very algae covered rock. i used to have 3 tangs they loved it they would graze all day on my rocks.
DO any of you that have an emperor angel have it with any other angels in the tank??
i was thinking of getting 2 right now maybe a queen or blue face angel with the emperor what do you guys think? i know its not good to have them in the same tank but i was planning on getting them juvi's and they would grow together and maybe be peaceful??? theres plenty of room for them in my tank.
also is it true that angels are aggresive to other angels that have the same shape as them?
i heard they will be mean to each other if there the same shape not color.
is this true and any other facts need to know thinkgs about angels i would love to here anyones and everyones input on it.