emperor angel


My emperor is changeing! How long does it take it to fully change to adult form? Thanks! this in in a 180 fwi.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
took mine around 6 months...he is still morphing a year and a half later
My experiences are about the same; a great thing to see over time. The last one I raised from juvi to adult was at least 2 yrs old before he reached full adult coloration. That was before all of the new frozen & dried angel foods, so it may be a little quicker now. (Or maybe not) Romain lettuce and spinach were his main source of bulky green stuff, along with Formula II. The Hawaiian Emperor I got from SWF got about 7 months ago as a tiny juvi has grown very well; but has just been showing some yellow for about a month. He is an absolutely magnificent aquarium fish; assertive, gets along well, great appetite, a real up-front fish. I've said it several times; but, IMO, raising a lg angel from juvi to adult is one of the most rewarding experiences in this hobby. You have to do a lot of things right; I sure wish I had this forum when I was I first started trying the tougher fish. (I don't think most lg angels are tough, just demanding)


Great great to hear!!! I to have one that is just starting to change. Do you know where your Emperor was caught? Hoe big is it now? What size tank do you have him in and what are you feeding him? What size tank is he in? Well mine is from Christmas Island and I got him when he was 3", pics below. He is now 4 to 4 1/2". He just started to change about 3 weeks ago. The Emperor absolutely loves the medium sized pellets made by New Life Spectrum. Once this fish started eating this food heavily his growth and color has been amazing. i also soak Julian Sprung's green and red Sea Veggies, mysis, formula 2, and angel formula cubes soaked in garlic, selcon, zoecon, and zoe. So srfiser17 how about we start a thread about our Emperor angels changing from juveniles to adults and both of us add a picture once a week to see the progression? I think it would be really great to see two different Emperors both just starting to change from two different tanks. So what do you think are you down? Do you have pics of your Emperor? Campbell do you have pics of the progression of the color change? Also do you think your adult lacks the vivid colors of adults that are caught? Here's my Emperor from the beginning to a pictures taken today. i really hope you will do this thread with me, it would be really interesting. Regards, Tim
This is the first shot I took of him Feb. 22

March 26th

April 7th

April 16th (Look at the belly on this pig!!!)

April 24th (really changing fast) Gotta love nature!!!!!


Active Member
Great Pics. I need to get my son to get pics from the camera to the computer; some things I just don't want to learn..you sure do a great photo job!


awesome looking emperor angels!

i am currently thinking of adding one to my 140g i have a lion fish and a porcupine puffer in there right now i think an angel would go great in my tank i have plenty of mature very algae covered rock. i used to have 3 tangs they loved it they would graze all day on my rocks.
DO any of you that have an emperor angel have it with any other angels in the tank??
i was thinking of getting 2 right now maybe a queen or blue face angel with the emperor what do you guys think? i know its not good to have them in the same tank but i was planning on getting them juvi's and they would grow together and maybe be peaceful??? theres plenty of room for them in my tank.
also is it true that angels are aggresive to other angels that have the same shape as them?
i heard they will be mean to each other if there the same shape not color.
is this true and any other facts need to know thinkgs about angels i would love to here anyones and everyones input on it.


Yes you can have two angels in one tank but I think your tank is a bit to small for an Empror by itself. Besides the size of the fish they become very territorial when they get larger. I had a Goldflake with my Emperor and they got along fine. Unfortunately i woke up one morning and the Goldflake was dead. If you get two angels make sure you get different genus and they are of different color and have a large tank. Heres a few shots of of two angels together before the unfortunate loss. Regards, Tim



sick looking tank the lion blue powder the angels and foxface look cool what is that an angler??
what size tank was/is that???


That is a Rhinopias Frondosa. He is actually for sale on ---- for way below that suggested price that was mentioned.
I want to get some smaller fish that he would certainly engulf. Here's a couple of pics of him. Man do I miss that Goldflake it was a real beauty. My Emperor has really become aggressive and think he's maturing and territorial. Regards, Tim



is this the scorpion fish that i saw on ---- for 100$? He is gorgous. If he is will you hold him until i get the money? Gorgous fish!