Emperor angel


I have had an emperor angel for about 8 months doing great. Yesterday he cannot swim normally he cannot get himself upright, can only swim upside down and is breathing heavy. Any suggestions on whether this is a disease or an injury of some kind? He showed no indication of getting ill prior to yesterday.


Water parameters are good no problems. No other fish is showing any signs. It is a 220 gallon tank. There is a large snowflake angel in the tank. Along with a bamboo shark (small).


Staff member
Notice any wounds on him?? I can only think with the sudden appearance of these serious symptoms, that the fish has been a victim to aggression.


I starting to believe it was attacked because the day prior to yesterday it was showing no signs of any illness. It was eating very well and moving around normally. The shark does not appear to be aggressive but I am not there when the lights are out. I am hoping it recovers but it is in very bad shape but is hanging in there is my Q tank.