Emperor angel


My emperor Angel that I have had for 6 months just died last night suddenly. All my water per are good he got along good with the other tank mates. I came home for lunch he was fine then I got off work he was discolored and breathing hard swimming funny the only thing I noticed was white spots on all of his clear fins. I dont think it was ich because ich covers gill and body and a few hours before he was swimming fine. So I put him in the fuge hoping he would be ok went to dinner was gone for an
hour and a half came home and he was floating. I am so pissed that was my favorite fish and the 2nd one I have loss.


it is a 220 gallon tank I have a dogface puffer,porc puffer,flame hawk,yellow tang ,niger trigger and 4 blue damsels 1 cleaner shrimp in the fuge. some blue legs 1 small clawed hermit and some snails that I just added


Active Member
In my opinion, I think the porc. puffer is to blame. They can release toxins I think I've heard, and if they just kindof got into it those white spots might be where the puffers spines got him. Just my opinion, but I would almost bet the porc got him.


The damsels did not do it they are real small and are only aggressive amongst theirselves. The spots were not all over his body just his clear fins??????


Porcupine puffers don't release any kinds of toxins. What you are describing sounds like it was suffering from stress, bad water quality, or maybe some kind of internal parasite. He also could have been undernourished. Just naming all the possibilities.


Active Member
Give me a freakin' break, I started learning saltwater August of 03. Look at the date on the post you so intelligently replied to.


Originally Posted by cprdnick
Give me a freakin' break, I started learning saltwater August of 03. Look at the date on the post you so intelligently replied to.
:hilarious :hilarious :hilarious


Thanks for the compliment, what I wrote was intelligent. I see what the date is and i have no problem continuing an old thread when inaccurate advice was given. It always makes for good reading material for others.


Active Member
Originally Posted by boalgf
Thanks for the compliment, what I wrote was intelligent. I see what the date is and i have no problem contunuing an old thread when inaccurate advice was given. It always makes for good reading material for others.

I agree.
Let's not bash people for replying to old posts. With our new "related threads" thing it happens a lot, but it is not bad to add more advice to some of these threads as people search them.
People do not know how much experience anyone has at any given time. And there was no bashing like "that is the dumbest thing I've heard..." it was a simple answer, new thread or not.