Emperor Angles



Can anyone tell me about theres are they hardy what do they eat do you have to get anything special when you get them how long does it take for them to change from juv. to adult how big fo a tank do you need for them?


An emporer, or imperator angel requires good filtration to start off with. A u.v. and skimmer are a must since they require such high water quality. They start to change into their adult coloration at about 5in., and are full grown at about 10 or so. They are herbivores and require some greens in their diet. This variety is not the hardiest of angels or super aggressive, but can become territorial as always with smaller fish especially.


New Member
Emperor angels are moderately hardly if you have the right setup. I wouldn't suggest getting one unless you have a 90+ gallon tank, good filtration (wet/dry) and a UV sterilizer. I'd also have a cleaner wrasse, because they seem to be succeptable to parasites. Feed angel formula and seaweed selects (in a clip) from Ocean Nutrition. Also have a good "cave" for it to hide in. They are fairly "skittish" and need a place to run to if startled. Good luck.


You have to have low nitrates,and feed food enriched with supplements,also make it the last fish in your tank,they are not skittish,they are a very bold fish that can become a bully if it is introduced before all the other fish,unless you plan on putting something else that is more aggressive.


i have been planning on adding an emporer to my 200g tank. though i figure that is my next fish, not last. i plan on also adding a clown trigger (last) for obvious reasons. Is this a good mix? There is also a grouper, lion, wrasse, and sailfin tang already in the tank (in that order), though the grouper is on his way out- if i can catch him. he has already killed one addition, and i am not chancing it with an emporer. Any suggestions are appreciated

grouper 42

Had to get rid of my Cherry Grouper for the same reason. Pretty fish but got mean when he got bigger. Hated my Tuskfish for some reason. So i had to get rid of him.