emperor snapper


I have a emperor snapper who appears overnight to have gotten ick however appears to be as active and hungrey as always. He has white spots all over his body but it does not seem to affect him. I have tangs in the tank as well however no sign of ick on them. I did not know this fish could get ick.
Is there another possibility for the spots.


all fish can get ich!!!!! it could be a salt deposit.... give him a fresh water dip and treat your tank (as long as you have no inverts) good luck>>>>

mr . salty

Active Member
I would suggest using a hospital tank to treat the fish. If no other fish are affected yet,Why submit them to treatment. STEVE


salty agreed,
But I just checked him, No ick it was something else. He is completely clean and looking cool. 24 hour flu maybe.


Go buy a cleaner wrasse. Look for the fattest one you can get. I just got one last week that was really fat and he attacks food just like my emperor angel. Not to mention they are great for cleaning up ick.