End of cycle?


New Member
Here are my readings as of an hour ago.
Ammonia 0.0
Nitrite 0.0
Nitrate 5ppm
Also I notice a few diatoms starting to gather, but I expected that since i dont have RO/DI water yet and I had the same problem with my freshwater. So you think I could add a clean up crew? and if it were your tanks what would you put in it. I was thinking of the 20-55 gal package from this site? what do think? would they starve?
I have a 90Gal. w/35 LBS. of uncured LR 100LBS of calcium carbonate base rock and now a 5 inch Aragonite DSB.


Active Member
How long have your levels been like this? If they have been at that level for about a week you can do a water change and start adding things slowly. Diatoms are normal even in a tank with RO/DI water. As far as a clean up crew, you may want to wait until you have the algae growth to sustain them. If you had a huge clean up crew now they may just starve.
Sounds like you are off to a good start. Good luck


New Member
The last test I did was on thursday (2-27-03) here are the results.
Ammonia 0.0
Nitrite 0.1
Nitrate 5ppm
so after the water change what would you add slowly to the tank? would it be crabs snails or fish or does it matter? When you say slowly would that be like a fish every two-three weeks? or more?