So, I'm coming down to around 30 days in hypo on my main tank, all the inverts/rock has been removed to separate system. I want to switch out the substrate to sand. That brought up a thought: Can ick or any other parasite for that matter (that would have died in hypo) have a way to survive in the substrate in some pocket of slightly higher salinity? Seems unlikely, as over the course of even a few days, any small low flow areas should have disipated, but since they are more dense, was worrying that they could sit in pockets in the bottom.
So, question really is, can ick remain dormant in the substrate and then be released once it gets stirred up while removing it? Should I remove the substrate and replace while in hypo to help reduce any possibilities...?
So, question really is, can ick remain dormant in the substrate and then be released once it gets stirred up while removing it? Should I remove the substrate and replace while in hypo to help reduce any possibilities...?