engineer goby with tissue damage


Active Member
I have a pretty mature engineer goby with tissue damage on his tail. He damaged it on a piece of live rock while he was digging out a new cave for himself. I believe a rock fell on the tail and he got it stuck. The tail looks a little damaged, but no cuts that I can see. It would not be possible to QT him because I just converted my QT to a housing tank for a new fish I just got for another tank. Plus, he would be a little difficult to catch anyway.
My question is do you think I should treat him for the damage or just let his immune system take care of it on his own? He has dealt with ich problems fine in the past, so I know his immune system is pretty strong. I was just wondering if using Pima/Mela fix would speed it up a little for him.


Staff member
If it is just a little damage, then he should be fine. You should notice regeneration within a couple of days. If you don't notice this, then it is not damage but something else. Like aggression from another fish or a bacterial infection. Usually with an infection, you will see frayed and ragged fins. If it is aggression, then usually you will see chunks of fin missing.


Active Member
Thank you Beth. And if it is an infection, do you recommend treating him or see if he just starts healing it himself? He is acting very normal still, swimming back and forth throughout the tank and readily accepting food that I offer.


Staff member
You can't treat anything in a reef tank or a tank with LR. Try offerring him quality food soaked in fresh garlic.