enough light for a fuge


I have a 20 watt light for my 5 gallon refuge is that enough light to grow the macro algae. I had some grape caulerpa in there but it all turned white and died. Was this beacuse of the light. I have great coraline algae growth in there, the thing is almost purple. :confused:


Active Member
that should be plenty...caulerpa will turn white and disintigrate in a sense if it's not pruned regularly
oh, and if you leave your light on 24/7 that'll help avoid this problem
Try and plant grow bulb, found nearly every home/garden center, and leave the light on 24/7. Otherwise the caulerpa will go sexual and turn white. Remove any white pieces.


I have a correction to make it is a 15watt plant and aquarium light. I also left the lights on 24/7. the grape was only about a foot long should i have still cut it back?


Active Member
it should be pruned fairly regularly, regardless of how big it is...obviously though as it gets bigger regular pruning becomes a necessity for practical reasons as well. still, 15 watts should be fine...i've had pretty good luck growing caluerpa in my sump (20 gal) with 40 watts on it.