Enough Light??


I have a standard 125 gallon.
Currently I have T5 low outputs, 21W each. 4-white 4-actinic
All fish and coral seem fine, but my small bubble tip anemone and rock anemone look a little weak. I also want to put a large 10+ long tentacle anemone, but don't want tor risk not having enough light.
If these aren't enough, what would you add or change? T5 High outputs or MH's?? With the three chamber top I'm worried about heat issues with three MH's.
Thanks for the help.


Originally Posted by blcard
I have a standard 125 gallon.
Currently I have T5 low outputs, 21W each. 4-white 4-actinic
All fish and coral seem fine, but my small bubble tip anemone and rock anemone look a little weak. I also want to put a large 10+ long tentacle anemone, but don't want tor risk not having enough light.
If these aren't enough, what would you add or change? T5 High outputs or MH's?? With the three chamber top I'm worried about heat issues with three MH's.
Thanks for the help.
How deep is your tank? Do the T5's have individual reflectors? Sounds like you make be a little low on light for such a big tank.


Active Member
You're going to want T5-ho for anemones, standard T5 will not be able to sustain them. 12-14x 39w bulbs would be enough to keep whatever you wanted.


Originally Posted by blcard
20" deep
No reflectors :(
Time for some new lights if you want to keep coral and your anemone happy.
Best advice I have found on here is 4+ T5HO tubes with individual reflectors, MH's or a combo of both.
I run a 2x150 MH with 4x39 T5H0, this is on a 46bow, 20'' deep. Your tank is more then twice the size, so probally at least twice the lighting if you want to keep the high demand stuff.


Active Member
Bill, the T-5's you have aren't going to be enough to keep your anemone going strong.
The T-5 HO's will possibly cure this, but I've found them to lose their rating rather quickly (HO's seem to burn through their limit within several months rather than the claimed year or so they should last).
MH would be your sure bet.