enough light?


i have a 72g tank. i plan on 4 48" vho lights. 2 daylight and 2 antics. thats 6.1 watts per gallon. will i be able to have some corals and reef stuff in the tank with this lighting setup? i really dont want to go to the MH lighting. also does anyone know current draw (amps) of a icecap 660 ballast? oh right now my tank is fowlr.


You can convert KW/HP/AC Amps/DC Amps using a
3:4:5:12 ratio
so for every 3 Kilowatts, it's 5 dc amps. So since you are using 440 watts of AC it will be .5KW (.44, but .5 makes it easier for calculations) so .5 is 1/6th of 3 => 1/6 of 5 is .83
So approx .83 amps. But since it is on a transformer it should be a little less. but if you figure .83 amps, it should be a close approx. That 3/4/5/12 is also just a thumbrule, so it will only give you approx answer. Hope it helps
With regards to coral, that should be enough light for many things, but you'll probably want to position the more light loving things towards the top. Hopefully someone with more coral experience will get to that part.