Enough Lights??


I have an octagon tank that is 2ft x 2ft across. It is 2ft tall. I am currently running a 24" Coralife 10,000k bulb and a 24" Coralife Actinic bulb. Both are 20watts.
I also run a 18" Marine Glo 15w bulb.
I have about 65lbs of lr and plan on adding some more plus maybe some corals.
I am wondering if I have enough light for this tank as the dimensions are usual from a regular rectangle tank?
I have enough room under my canopy to add one more 18" light. Should I go with another Marine Glo bulb to match the one I have or a Power Glo bulb?
Below is my tank.


Active Member
I like the looks of your tank. But I think you would be better off building a new canopy for more space to add the lights that you will need for a reef. You may get away with some low light corals but if your like most people here you will want some of the higher light ones after a while.


Thanks for the reply slick!
I just took some measurements and I can fit 2 more 24" bulbs under the canopy.
That would bring me to 3 24" Coralife 10,000k bulbs, 1 24" Coralife Actinic bulb and 1 18" Marine Glo.
That should also get me 95 watts.
Below is a pic I took tonite after we stopped at the lfs and picked up a 5lb LR to top off the reef.
This hobby is going to be addictive!