Enough space and filter


I read the post with the coral cat shark and stuff and heard that the minimum is 80 gallons but i should get a 180 though, however i am going to get a 125 gallon with a:
volitan lionfish
naso tang
emperor angel
chain eel
blue powder tang
could i also have a coral cat shark? and what filteration would i need for a coral cat shark as a juvinile and can i get the shark as a egg or would the lion eat it


no the lion would not eat it but i would not have a shark with the tangs because when the shark gets older the tangs will pick at the eyes and other parts of the body and eventualy kill the shark same with triggers and i would get a wet/dry filter for a 250 if u were to get rid of the tangs sharks need great filtration


if the angel does pick at the eyes ill return it to the store and are theyre any other compatible fish to replace the tangs?