Enough watts?


Will one 96 watt PC be enough for a 40 gallon tank. It is a 48" tank. I believe it is 17" deep. Someone said it would be enough for a reef tank. I am purchasing tonight if you pros think its kosher.
[ August 03, 2001: Message edited by: squidbait ]
Are you sure that's a 40 gal? Sounds like a 55 to me. I have a 40 and it is 36". I'm not familiar with a 48" 40 gal.
At any rate, if you are planning a reef tank, i.e., corals etc., 96 watts of PC is NOT enough. It might make a nice dawn/dusk addition. But not enough to support the life and well being of true reef animals, and have them thrive.
My humble .02


I didn't think that sounded right. Should I go with 2 110 watt VHO? The tank is 48x17x12.
I appreciate the help! I need to make the purchase soon!
[ August 03, 2001: Message edited by: squidbait ]
IMHO, you will be better off with the VHO system. I have 4 95 watt each over my 40 gal and my reef thrives.
Lighting is a hot issue now. And the choices are many. It all comes down to exactly which animals you are going to try and keep. This must be your first decision. Too many times new hobbyists do not make this decision before they begin to build their reef. But knowing exactly what you want to keep from the very beginning could save you hundreds of $$ in the long run, not too mention the life of the creatures you will be obtaining.
I would suggest that you go find a tank thats lit up with vho and then a tank thats klit up pc and see what you like better.
I don't like vho,I don't know why I think its just the way the lite looks. Also pc is more intense then vho at lower watts so that means that 55watt pc will generly have the same intensity as a 95 vho so you see you can't really abide by that wack watts per gallon rule but its a good way to generly know how much you need


I am beginning to see there is no simple answer to this question. I guess the key is to not be cheap, and just go all out.
Can you buy too much light? Is there a point where it is overkill, or actually bad for the fish and corals?
Bingo squidbait.
As to too much light, I suppose. But I hold fast to my what's best for the animal advocacy. For instance, I keep lots of corals that thrive under my VHO, but will not get any kind of clam, as I know of their high intensity light demands, and leave them to the Metal Halides. I would love to have one, but will not aquire an animal unless I know it will THRIVE in my reef.
Lots of luck!! :eek: