Epellette Shark and rock cod (help)


New Member
Does anyone have a Epellette Shark?????
I want to know what I can put in the same tank as them I have two in my tank and want to put some new fish in with them I did have the female in my other tank with a trigger which he attacked her so that why I had to build a 7 ½ foot tank for the sharks ,
And does anyone know what sort of Rock Cod this is want to know how big he will he is currently around 80cm , hes in my 5 foot tank with the trigger, 2 lion fish and the honey comb moray eel ,



Active Member
Nice shark. The rock cod in the pic looks really large. As long as it is not big enough to eat the shark then I'd say you're ok. Triggers are bad tankmates for sharks. I kept my epp with nonaggressive tangs, grouper, lionfish, foxface, stingrays, etc. No angels, puffers, wrasses, parrots or other fin nippers. I'd also say the shark would be fine with batfish, lookdowns (if the tank is large enough), probably cowfish. There are others but I can't think of them all right now.