Epson Salt for bloated Queen Angel?


My Queen has not eaten in almost 2 weeks. I have also noticed that she has not pooped in 2 weeks. She does look bloated and I tried a fresh water dip which did not make her go poopy.
I read that if I put her in a bucket with tank water and a heaving spoon on Epson salt, within 15 - 30 minutes, she will poop.
Has anyone tried this or know anything about this? I would realy hate to loose her, she looks good but she does not eat or swim much anymore.
Thank you in advance.


Yes, I do have a 75 gallon with a Niger in. I did not wnat to put my Niger through the medication, so I was hoping that the Epson salt would work.
If not, what type of medication do you recomend? Have you heard of this problem before?


Staff member
You have a 75 gal QT?
See if you can locate Maracyn Two for Saltwterfish. The fish seems to have an infection, likely intestinal. How do you treat your fish food? Do you leave frozen food out to defrost?
Use Maracyn Two for Saltwaterfish. Just before each redose, do a water change. If you have carbon filters, turn those off during treatment, except use them just prior to redose. The water changes and carbon filtration just prior to redose helps to clear up any residual of the medication as well as any die-off oc bacteria caused by the antibiotic. The new water helps keep tank healthy. Make sure the QT has very good water circuation, especially at the surface.