equipment for 150 gal???


i am switching from a 55 to a 150 gal - can anyone tell me what i need for this tank? i also need something explained! i'm not proud of this:(, but i have had my 55 for 2 years with the following: hippo tang, 2 perculas, neon dottyback, blenny, snowflake eel, brittle star, cb shrimp, and asst. snails and crabs. also 30lbs ls and 50 lbs lr. i only have an UG filter now - i had a protein skimmer, but the thing never did work...anyways, you don't even want to ask about my water changes!:eek: can ANYONE tell me why my tank is clean and my fish are great?! i test levels, and they are always fine. i know this isn't ideal, but it does make me wonder why my lfs always tries to sell me hundreds of $ worth of equipment. i want to buy what i need FOR REAL for this tank, but who the crap do i listen to?!!! :confused: THANK YOU, ANYONE!!


oh yes, one more there anyone from minneapolis who knows of a GOOD swf store that might hold onto my fish until i get the tank set up? or even one that can give me some good advice....


Active Member
Listen to the people on this board. No one is here to sell you anything. The people here give real advice from their own experiences.


Active Member
A good start to your new tank would be 4 to 5 inches of good agronoite sand and around 150 pounds of good live rock. Is this tank going to be fish only or a reef tank?


oh yes, one more there anyone from minneapolis who knows of a GOOD swf store that might hold onto my fish until i get the tank set up? or even one that can give me some good advice....


New Member

Originally posted by jennarienne
oh yes, one more there anyone from minneapolis who knows of a GOOD swf store that might hold onto my fish until i get the tank set up? or even one that can give me some good advice....

Something Fishy in Richfield. They may be a little expensive, but they quaratine all new arrivals and will generally give good advice. Ask for Ed...