I'm setting up a new 150 gallon reef tank that will be here Tuesday. The stand and hood arrived today. I am debating which equipment to purchase. I am looking at the eheim 1262 return pump. It got great reviews for how quiet it is. I am looking at Tunze powerheads. I was going to get the Korelia 4s for my 125, but they don't seem to be enough flow for a 150. I was initially thinking of getting two Tunze 6060 powerheads and placing them on opposite sides of the tank. The more I think about it, the more I think that would just create a vortex in the center of the tank. While I'm sure it would work fine, I think it would take some getting used to for fish. My newest thought is that a single Tunze 6101 with a Tunze Single Controller 7091 (wave maker) would create a more realistic current. Anyone have experience or thoughts on these products? Thanks in advance!