equipment for 30 gallon


what equipment would i need to have in a 30 gallon reef tank? and what size should everything be? I am just turning my fo tank to a reef tank. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


ok, i have: penguin biowheel 330 filter, marineland heater, rio 800 powerhead, 20 watt light, 20 lbs lr, about 10 lbs ls


Active Member
I think that for a tank of that size, a sump is really up to you. If you want one, great if not, thats fine too. I have a 20g, and i dont have a sump. BUT, i do have a hang on skimmer (Bak Pak 2R, which i would rec. for a tank that size. Also, defenitely get some (a lot) of live rock and some live sand for a DSB. All three of those should pretty much do it for filtration, and also it wont take up as much space as a sump would. Also, defenitely upgrade your lighting. I hope this helps.

cap'n pete

Click on my house icon on this post to see my homepage about my 29G. Maybe you will get some ideas. I need to update the pics though. This is what I will have in the 29G when it's finished:
-(2) 55W Custom Sealife 24" Power Compacts
-Prizm Skimmer
-AquaClear Mini with surface skimmer
-ZooMed Powersweep 212
-50 lbs. of LR
-50 lbs. of LS
-200W heater
-(1) percula clown
-(1) coral beauty
-(1) ? probably a royal gramma
-(1) cleaner shrimp
-(10) atria sp. turbo snails
-(5) scarlet hermits
plus the coral, that's about it. HTH