Equipment for 90 gal pre-drilled tank


After reading several posts on this site, I have come to a conclusion that a wet/dry filter for a tank with lr and ls is a waste of money! I am setting up a 90 gal pre drilled and would like to know what equipment I should have. I have never set up a salt-water tank before and I do not want the lfs selling me things I don't need. I know I know I need a good protein skimmer can someone tell me which brands are the best? As far as power heads what type and how many of them would I need for a 90 gal tank? Also what other type of equipment do I need, Any info would be great! I would like to start searching the net for the best prices...Thanks


are you talking about a reef ready tank?
if so along with a good skimmer ,ph,you are going to need a sump or another tank under the 90. flex tube plumbing ( some Reef Ready tanks come with the hoses) to connect to the sump. you will need a return pump rated for the same amount of water flow as the overflows. it should come with the upper plumbing..
I use the hagen 802 powerheads I am sure there are better ones out there but those are the ones I have experience with.
I would use 2 ro 3 power heads at least to make sure you dont have dead spots in the tank.
skimmer I have a aqurium

(seaclone) and dont really care for it. alot of people have the CPR BAK-PAKS.


Active Member
check ----, I just ordered 3 maxi-jet 900's for 54 bucks shipped for my 120gal. Also got my sump and mag 9.5 pump there. HTH.


Yeah, there are a lot of good buy it now prices on there.. I just got a four pack of MJ 1200s for $64!
Looks like there are a few people selling them for really good prices.