equipment overkill?


Have a 55 gallon with fish and live rock, about 60 pounds of rock, live sand, with a BakPak 2 skimmer and an XP2 canister filter. Had it up and running over a month now, and everything seems good. Started with lots of bacteria and it cycled very quickly. Have it stocked with a small picasso, niger trigger, 2 true perculas, 2 oscellaris, sandsifter gobie, sailfin blennie, blue tang, and a small butterfly. I know that's a lot, and all the more reason to ask this.
This is in my office, and I need it to be quiet and as maintenance free as possible. The BakPak does a decent job, it seems, but it's loud, so I have it on a timer running only from 5 pm to 7 am the next day, plus over the noon hour. Probably not ideal.
The more I look the more I become familiar with products like under tank skimmers, more in line/canister filters, UV sterilizers, etc. Anything undertank in the cabinet seems like it would be quieter. My question is what would you all recommend for equipment if you wanted this system to be almost silent, but still have total overkill on filtration to keep the best possible water quality with the least maintenance? Any specific recommendations, assuming cost is not a big issue (within reason, don't want to completely waste money)? Appreciate the advice. Thanks.


Active Member
I feel that the AquaC skimmers are a little quieter then the CPR ones. I don't recommend turning the skimmer on and off. When it is off, you get stagnant water inside of it and that can lead to waste accumulation.
Quieter yet would be putting everything under the cabinate in a sump. That way you get the sound buffering ability of the stand to help.
If I may add, you should seriously reconsider your stocking. or starters, two different types of clowns in most any tank is asking for trouble. They must be young now because when they mature, two (or more) of them are sure to end up dead in territory squabbles. In addition, a 55 is small for even one trigger let alone two. They grow fast and will get stressed out in a small tank very quickly.


Thanks. All the fish are small now, so I know I may need to find some adoptive parents at some point.
Know of a good under tank/in cabinet skimmer (the one you mentioned is under tank?)? Would this need it's own plumbing lines, or could it run in series with the canister filter?
Also, could an inline heater and inline UV sterilizer run in series with the canister filter? Thanks.


Active Member
Err, the idea of all those fish in that little tank makes me cringe. Anyway, if you really want a quite system I highly recommend you invest in some acoustical foam and line the inside of your cabinent with it. This will help mute out the sounds of the pumps and other equipment you will want to run (also, you may want to run gasketing around the cabinent doors).


I like your idea of finding adoptive parents, that or you could take them back to the LFS for credit.
IMO good average aquarist skimmers include aqua C ev, ASM, Euroreef, and precision marine. I would ditch the 55 aquascaping nightmare and look into a used 75 or 90. You could then use the 55 as a sump.


Originally Posted by edwar050
I like your idea of finding adoptive parents, that or you could take them back to the LFS for credit.
IMO good average aquarist skimmers include aqua C ev, ASM, Euroreef, and precision marine. I would ditch the 55 aquascaping nightmare and look into a used 75 or 90. You could then use the 55 as a sump.

Can anyone offer some specific help on fish -- here:
Thanks again.