equipment poll


New Member
I am new to the marine world and I was just wondering what everybody else uses as far as skimmers, powerheads, filters, heaters, RO/DI systems, etc.
Just thought this might be a good way for us beginners to pick the better equipment out of the bad. Thank you all.
Maybe we could rate our equipment on the 1-10 scale also (1-bad 10-awesome).
I would post mine, but I haven't bought anything yet.


SKIMMER: Anything in the ASM G series sized appropriatly for your tank. They are hands down the best skimmer on the market for your money! :happy:
On a scale of 1-10, it is an easy 15!!!


MaxiJet all the way... 10+.. Very small size.. Very high output, and priced right...


Active Member
Several "good" skimmers on the market...Depending type of skimming affect and price range your after.....You have Euro Reefs, ASM, Geo, MRC, Barrs and several others as well....Euros are nice, but on the pricey side would opt for ASM or Geo because of price....If your looking for a monster skimmer for wet skimming purposes you definitely want to look at beckett style skimmers....Both Barrs' and MRC are nice units... Alot of mods you can do to the needlewheel skimmers as well.... Debately what is actually more energy efficient though....
What price range are you looking at????


Active Member
I think the AquaC line of skimmers is also up there as well. Not top of the line or super heavy duty but more affordable than the Euros.
Again, it depends on the size tank you are planning on and what bioload you will have.