#er of fish for a 20g


New Member
I have a 20g tank, I have 13lbs of live rock and a decrative chunk of corral in it, what type of fish and how many would be safe for my size tank?
"thanks for the help"


New Member
Two ocellaris clowns, or 2 true percs and a royal gramma.
Or two firefish and a couple clown gobies.


i have a 20g myself.
what i have is an ocellaris clown, a lawnmower blenny, and a hi-fin banded goby. they all look cute together! :)


You wanna keep a bioload low in a nano. I only keep 2 ocellaris clowns in my 20g. If you want some more movement in your tank, you could look into something like cleaner shrimps or other crabs and stuffs. They contribute to your bioload in a very light way. 3 is the max I would go. I had 3 fish, 2 clowns and a clown goby before and I ran into problems with algae. And now I only keep the 2 clowns and have been having close to no algae at all.


I would also only recommend 2 fish. I have a 20 gallon tall and I have a perc clown and a firefish. they are both very cute and active fish. i think if you looked at the inverts you could get in a 20 gallon you will be more excited than about the fish... um, i mean you will like the inverts more than fish (they are way cooler and you have more variety :D )