Erica's 55gal reef journey


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Here's pics from yesterday...was so excited to get it up and going finally.
So this is my husband putting the water in the tank, tank with water in it and tank with water and LR.



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I have pics of my 29gal because some new inhabitants came with the 55gal and had to move them to the 29gal while the bigger was cycling. Thought you might be interested in seeing who came with the tank.



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Last pic for now. And yes, I did use a magnafloat for the back of my koralia. My stupid self lost the back somewhere in this house.
I will find We had to do a lot of moving around to get everything situated in my dining room. It has a dual hob filter, a Koralia 1 and 2, and pc flourescent lighting. It also came with 15lbs of rock(which I scrubbed a little because of hair algae), 50lbs of sand (didn't use because they mixed FW rock in it!! and it smelled like really bad seafood), 2 hermits, a cleaner wrasse, a lawnmower blenny, two green chromis and a purple chromis (I believe it may be a pseudochromis though.) So here it is...I'll keep you all updated. Enjoy!


Looks good! I would put the larger rocks on the bottom. It looks like it could topple over on that smaller rock on the left. I know you don't want to kill anyone who is a digger. I got a 55 a few months ago. It is much easier to keep up with than my 29 and 12 gallon.


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I'm getting ready to transfer a rock from my 29gal to try to fix that issue with the one on the left. That was a piece that came with the tank. It was at one time a piece of coral but it died. I think I'm going to take it out altogether.


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Cleared up nicely overnight! Post #3, fifth picture, what is the bright blue fish under the maroon, a damsel? Also do you know of the challange it is to keep a cleaner wrasse in captivity?


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Actually, I'm not sure. It was listed on the sale ad as a purple chromis and that's what it was sold as but obviously it is not. I've read that they can be difficult to keep but so far he seems to be eating fine and no one is harrassing him. The woman had the tank for 6 months and couldn't handle it. They all seem to be in good shape. But still researching that one's driving me nuts. lol


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It kinda looks like the first one but with more of a smoky hue to the tail and the shape of the third. Let me try to get a good pic of it and I'll post it. The little bugger moves around very quickly. brb


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Ok, here's the best I can do. Everytime I try to get a pic of it from the side it turns jsut before my camera takes the pic because if the blinking light. I think it's attracted to it. lol



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Thanks! My female is starting to get a little on the fat side...may be getting ready to spawn....have to wait and see. I hope she wait til I get them moved to the 55gal. I rearranged the rock. I'll take pics and post them later tonight. Gotta bake a cake for tomorrow. lol