Established fish, QT or not?

Hey everyone, please bare with me, this is long....
Last night, My friend gave me his 1 year old tank raised True Percula clown. He gave me the fish because he no longer wanted any clowns in his tank. In any case, he has a STUNNING reef with perfect water quality in which this clown was a model citizen for the year he had it.
The clown is in perfect health.... in fact she's quite plump.
As I don't break with tradition, I acclimated the clown into my QT. Although, I'm now thinking whether I should have acclimated her into my display directly, as I -KNOW- this fish is in good health.
The other reason I put her in the QT is because I just introduced a new fish (Yellow Coris Wrasse) into my display 2 days ago, and was worried about too much change in bioload at once.
The current inhabitants of my 90 Gallon reef are a Yellow Tang, a Hippo Tang, a Longnose Hawk, and a Yellow Coris Wrasse.... aside from the various corals, and other inverts.
My questions:
1) Should I keep the clown in the QT anyways for a week or 2, and then intro her into the main tank?
2) Should I even be concerned about the added bioload of a small 2" Yellow Coris Wrasse in a 90 Gallon tank? And if not, go ahead and add the clown to the main tank right away?
Thanks everyone!


Staff member
Was the wrasse appropriately QTed before going into your tank? If so, then I would say that you can add the clown in a wk. If not, then wait 3 wks to see if your wrasse ends up with a problem that adversely effects your main tank.
Beth, anyone..
I'm a little concerned about the clown.
He's been in the QT since monday, although she has stayed in the bottom front corner of the tank since then, and hardly even moves.
She hardly eats as well. I've tried flake (won't touch it), and formula2 soaked with selcon. She's taken a bit to the Formula2... I'm going to try some frozen brine, formula1 and squid tonight.
Please cross your fingers for me.
I've looked her over MANY times, and there are no signs of disease. In fact, she still looks completely healthy. Her breathing even seems normal.
Water params are the following:
ammo: 0
trite: 0
trate: 10
pH: 8.0
SG: 1.022
temp: 79
I don't understand... I'm very unlucky with clowns. This will be my 3rd. Havn't been able to keep one yet.
Yet my main tank has a Yellow Tang, a Hippo tang, a longnose hawk, and a yellow coris wrasse. All of which are in perfect health and are known to be more difficult to keep than clowns...
I don't wanna lose this one.........
My guess is that your QT is smaller than your display and the previous tank she was in, she is most likely depressed with the lack of scenery and swimming room. She should turn around and start eating better soon or once she is introduced into your display. Good luck!
Thanks Bonermeister.
Yes, she came from a 150 gallon tank. The QT is only a 29 gallon.
I tried feeding her some Spirulina enriched Brine shrimp tonight, which I soaked in garlic for 10 minutes.....
She ate!
Not only that, she started swimming around the tank with enthusiasm! :)
Water parameters are still great. If all goes well, I will stay on track and intro her into the main tank on Monday; 3 days from now :)