Ethical Issues of Marine Fish


New Member
I'm doing a research paper on some of the ethical issues of owning marine fish. I know there are articles out there discussing the effects of removing fish from the ocean, but there are also benefits to it, because we learn how to aquaculture species and preserve them.
I realize you all have wonderful opinions, unfortunately, I can't cite those in my paper. Do any of you know where I can find articles in specific magazines or good websites? For some reason I'm having a hard time getting started. Thanks for your help!


Active Member
unfotunately, this forum won't let us provide direct links. if you google advanced aquarium there's tons of aticles there.


New Member
haha, I forgot about the links thing. I don't believe they need to be peer reviewed. I'm also supposed to be finding research about managing a pet store/dog grooming business, as that's who I'm interviewing. The owner also owns a reefing section, so I thought I'd include information about why he's chosen to sell marine fish. It's somewhat difficult to find information on managing a pet store, because it seems somewhat intuitive to me.


Google reef protection or protect the reefs. While doing that add any aqauriums or hobbyists....I did and found many links, probably what you are looking for.


Active Member
You might cite the fact that Bangaii Cardinals are now listed as endangered. One of the more popular fish of the trade. Their wild populations have decreased by some 84% over the past few years, being collected for the aquarium trade, regardless of being one of the least complicated species to captive breed, relatively speaking.
Check out for more info on that.