etts reef devil delux or euro reef rs 100


Active Member
i have a 90gallon tank with a reef devil delux right now but im considering switching to a euroreef. i can afford the -- models though.
the rs 100 is rated for tanks with a average load with 100gallon tank and if a heavy load then 80 gallons.
should i stick with my reef devil that is rated for 220gallons or go with a euro reef rs 100?


PECKHEAD - Greetings

We seem to be in similar situations. I have a 90 gallon reef with the Reef Devil Deluxe skimmer. My tank is about 7 months old and has very little in it so far (135 lbs of live rock, 4" sand bed, a healthy clean-up crew, but only 1 fish and a few starter corals...).
I am not happy with the RDD due to inconsistent performance and 4 serious floods (2+ gallons each time
). For some reason, the skimmer will go from doing absolutely nothing to running amok - all without intentional changes to the tank (no feeding, dosing, hands in water, etc.). I've actually noticed this happening from just the slight chemical changes that occur when the lights go off at night. I get almost no skimmate, unless you count tan-colored water, although that could be attributed to the very light bio-load. The flooding, though, is why I am considering something else. As you probably know, the RDD doesn't lend itself to an auto shut-off waste collector since the cup isn't pressurized. I could probably DIY one, or have the overflow go back in the sump, but the performance so far is pushing me to think of alternatives. Why are you thinking about replacing yours?
I have been doing research on skimmers and trying to get recommendations both here and on other forums. I was seriously interested in the Orca 200, but it is a smidge too tall for my stand. I want/need something that is plumbed external to the sump, so I am now looking at the Euroreef RC135. I might also be interested in something more "high-end" like an H&S or Bubbleking, but I'm still thinking about it. I might wait until I get my tank stocked to see how a "real" bio-load affects the performance and consistency. If I do replace the RDD, whatever I choose must either have or be capable of having an automatic shut-off waste collector. NO MORE FLOODS (cherry wood stand, black walnut hardwood floor + water = NOT GOOD!)
If you have any words of wisdom to offer, I'm all ears. Good Luck with your search


Active Member
i jsut want to try something else. i agree with the skimmate not being consistant on how much it produces but like u i only have 2 fish, a tomini tang and a false perc. i havent had any floods or anything. i also have limited space in my stand thats why im considering the rs 100 because it is only 20" tall...


Active Member
havent checked the heights but what about aqua c i have a remora pro with the mag on my sump for my 90 reef and it destroys my reef devil with a mag7 (i think) on a 75 fowlr with a higher bioload. ev series from now on for me on larger tanks


Active Member
i dont want somethign with a large mag drive pump. im interested in a euro reef or maybe octopus.


PECKHEAD - Greetings Again

I'm certainly not an expert, but I have been doing a lot of skimmer research lately. I could be wrong, but I have a feeling you might eventually be disappointed with the RS100. I know you said your tank is lightly loaded now, but it seems that you might be limited by the skimmer's capacity restrictions if you stock heavier in the future. Just my 2 cents...
What is your height limitation in the stand? What is your reason for not wanting to use a Mag pump to drive the skimmer (electricity? noise? heat?). Just looking for some details on your reasons; I would certainly be willing to share some of the information I have learned if you thought it would be helpful.
I was looking at the Orca 200 (too tall), H&S A150-F2001 and the Euroreef RC135. I was leaning toward the -- 135 based on forum feedback and the fact that it looks like it is built better (subjective, I know...), when I found some information on a company called Aquatic Systems. They build a model very similar to the RC135 that looks to have higher quality materials and it's half the price ($329 list). I have traded some email with the owner and am waiting on some more information, but I am seriously considering his PS.RNW.6.2400 unit. It is a recirculating needle-wheel skimmer rated for tanks up to 200 gallons. It can be installed external to the sump (my preference), has a 9" x 16.5" base footprint, 6" chamber diameter and is 25.75" tall. It also has a "zero-height", quick-release collection cup. The website is not quite ready for prime time, but he sent me some photos of the skimmer. Let me know if you are interested and I could forward them to you via email.
I hope this helps...


Active Member
i can only fit a skimmer that is about 23" at MOST. what is the best, smallest skimmer for a 90gallon reef


How long have you had your skimmer? I just got two reef devils. 1 regular (brand new) and one deluxe (used). The delux worked right away without any problems. The regular one gave me a lot of trouble at first, but once it broke in, it worked great. I run them on lightly stocked 75 gallon tanks.
If you recently got it, i would keep dialing on it untill it settles. I run mine with a mag 7, but while it broke in, i ran it with a mag 5 to keep the overflowing down.


Active Member
i have had it for about 6 months. i mean it works good but i want to try something else really, i just dont know which is a good choice that might out preform a reef devil


i dont understand. if it works, why do you want to try something else? Wouldnt you be losing money on trying to sell your used, and then buying a different one new?