eunicid worm


New Member
My wife was looking at our new anemone and on the rock near the anemone she saw a worm looking thing we Google it and found it to be a eunicid worm, we Google how to remove it and there were a few different ways.... we tried club soda, it did not work we tried fresh water it did not work so I tried to pull it out slowly & I ripped the head off, it's really stuck in my rock & now I'm stuck as to how to get it out without breaking the rock it's a very nice piece.... any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Depending on how big the hole is, use a small screwdriver or an icepick and just grind it up. Making sure to get to the end of the hole. Then flush out the hole with a turkey baster so the corpse doesn't foul up the tank. Your fish and critters should take care of the rest.
If you just break it up into sections, each section could grow into a new eunicid (bobbit) worm so really grind it up good.


New Member
Thank you guys, the peroxide didn't do much what I did was took an electrical wire and grinded it up and washed it out I hope I got all of it??