Euro Reef Skimmer Question


I reciently purchased a used 135 gallon tank which came with a Euro Reef Skimmer. When I set up the tank again at my home I used all the existing live sand and live rock, but I made up new water. I added the existing fish (Yellow Tang, 2 False Percula Clowns, Flame Hawk and Blenny). I have run the skimmer from the day I had set it up, and I have not yet had to empty it. Is this normal? It has acculuminated about 1/4 inch of skimmate in the cup and it looks pretty nasty.
I am used to emptying once or twice a week, as I do on my 125 gallon tank, but that skimmate is not as thick and yucky. Maybe I am just used to my crappy old skimmer?
Also - my euro-reef did not come with instructions. If anyone can PDF them to me I would appreciate.


How long since the tank is up with the new water? Freshly made water wont have any DOC in it. Give it time for the DOC to accumulate. As long as the skimmer body is milky white with tiny bubbles and you set your skimmer to brew a full cup once/twice a week... you're all set.
There should be a standard 'nasty' for skimmage...
Nasty like clear water
Nasty like miller lite
Nasty like guinness
Nasty like used motor oil


Active Member
It will take awhile for the skimmer to kick in. This is very normal. It took mine about a month before I had enough DOC in my tank to produce skimmate. My skimmer usually produces a really dark green colored water that is easy to pour out and a light layer of thick funk that sticks to the insides of the collection cup.
Euro reef is a very good brand if I recall.


Ok, Thanks guys. I figures that since I was using all the existing live rock (About 200 lbs.) and all the existing sand (about 4 inches deep) it would be cranking out the skimmate immediately.
Does anyone have the instructions that they can send me?


Active Member
I am sure there are other euroreef users out there who can tell you how to adjust it.
I am pretty sure you adjust the level of water in the skimmer by moving the sponge on the outflow tube up and down.